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    Lives in Singapore. Consult everywhere.

    I’ve always loved computer and high tech stuff. I'm also obsessed with everything digital and tech (impossible not to be here). Promote Cash Flow Management to SMEs to help them save cost of doing business in Singapore. Advising SMEs how to get leads by using ebooks and be a self pubisher to enhance their business.

    Visit our corporate bookstore and my own bookstore to get free ebooks on business and self improvment.





    My Professional Services

    SME Finance

    Corporate Finance

    We help SMEs in their cash flow management by providing them with avenues to reduce their costs of doing business.We also help SMEs to raise funds for their projects, working capital and business expansion.


    Learn how you can use crowdfunding for market research for new products and save on marketing costs.


    Learn how you can place your products in various platforms for free exposure and business.
    We specialise in helping SMEs in this. Get a no obligation free consultation from us now.
    Click Here


    Consult us how we can help you.


    Please click on the image to learn more.

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    Finance Websites developed by Lawrence

    Estate Planning & Will Writing (Muslim & Non Muslim)



    Retirement Shiok



    Save Our Seniors




    Click here to book an appointment.


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    Financial Representative Disclaimer

    Any views, opinions, references, assertions of fact and/or other statements that a financial representative may set out on his/her social media account (s) or otherwise are his/her personal view and are not necessarily the views held by any financial institutions. The financial institution group (s) disclaim any liability whatsoever that may arise out of or in connection with such statements.

    Companies I've worked with include:

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    Principal Consultant & Owner


    From 1988 till present

    The company was established in 1988 as a sole proprietorship providing accounting and tax services to SMEs. Over the years, it has graduated to provide accounting software implementation and consultation. Currently, its main focus is on cash flow management, helping SMEs to raise funds for business expansion and working capital. Click on image to access corporate url.

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    Management positions for earlier years.

    Various CPAs and companies

    Worked 15 years in CPA firms as auditor, tax agent and liquidator, 8 years in a news agency as journalist cum Business Manager, 8 years as tied agent in life insurance companies, 3 years as business development manager in an IT integration company, 3 years as EDP manager in a large factory.

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    eBooks Writer & Trainer

    eVenchise eBooks Platform

    In early 2024, I resigned as financial planner from Company G to venture full-time into ebook writing and training. As I was a reporter for 8 long years in 1980s, my copywriting skills are still in tact. I love to write. Please click the image to access my bookstore at http://larryebooks.com. Can download free ebooks on ths site. Check out

    the eBooks I have written and uploaded to my bookstore at https://larryebooks.mystrikingly.com

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    eBooks Writer Guild (EWG)

    Join us for FREE as en ebook writer

    Join us as free member of ebook writer guild (EWG) to learn how to write ebooks professionally. All are welcomed to join. As long as you can Cut Copy Paste (CCP), you can be an ebook writer. Click on the image to join.



    Lyon Tan

    Managing Director at

    Lyon's Natural

    "Lawrence is one of the most talented creatives I've ever worked with. He is the rare combination of big picture thinker and skilled executional writer."

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